Tuesday, March 15, 2016

10 Things I've Been Doing Instead of Blogging

Lately, I've been going through a lot of life changes. Some is personal life, some is work life. And so my blog has taken a hit. I didn't mean for it to happen so soon in my new blog, but it is what it is. I'm bad at keeping on a strict schedule, I'll admit it.

I'm at a weird cross-roads where I miss blogging but I don't have the desire to actually do it.

So here you have it - the things I've been doing instead of blogging.

1. Sleeping more.

2. Watching a lot more tv.

3. Forcing myself to eat healthy food like broccoli and hummus.

4. Getting back into Fusion, my exercise class twice a week.

5. Cuddling and playing games with my little girl.

6. Watching movies with Friends.

7. Watching Friends with husband.

8. Playing with the two cats and two dogs now in our household.

9. Playing way too many games on my phone.

10. Still trying to eat that broccoli and hummus.

Hope to get back at blogging soon!
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